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Corvallis here we come!

Kay, Bill and I are headed to Corvallis tomorrow after work. We should arrive at our usual 11 or 12 p.m.

Go Beavs!



Today is Repac

If anyone is looking for me, I'm at Repac in Tangent, Oregon and will be home again at 2 p.m.

KC is leaving after work today for Reidsville, North Carolina. with her two dogs.

Love, Bopcha

Chicken News

We have only seven baby chicks now. I don't know what happened to them. They expired in the chicken yard. We have Popper and Pepper, the barred rocks, Dr. Who, Herman, Islander, Cactus Jane and Cactus Jim, the two black ones. Soon their tails will be big enough to indicate hens or roosters. I will try to keep you informed.

I have enjoyed reading the innovative blogs created by the blog people. I look forward to it in my leisure time.

Love, Bopcha

Noah is 21 today!

My baby is now a grown man! Hmmmm.... well, then again, Sid hasn't made that transition yet, so maybe Noah will take after his uncle and remain blissfully 12 years old forever.

We are taking him out to dinner at a local pub on Mercer Island. The Roanoke. No drinking is planned, but you can't even walk in the door at this place unless you are 21. It is a historical landmark and has good burgers etc. A true rite of passage here on Poverty Rock.

We bought him a ping pong conversion top that will fit (I hope) on top of the pool table the boys have in their garage. You do not even want to hear how hard it was to get it hidden there. Arrrrgggghhhh! It was big, heavy, and awkward. It took much help from our dear friend Byron to get it to Noah's apt. Byron has a big utility van. The top wouldn't fit in Gavin's SUV, and it definitely didn't fit in the trunk of our sedan.

Byron, Bill and I hiked three miles in to Snow Lake on Saturday. True to its name, the lake was nestled among snow tipped evergreens. So gorgeous!

Well, I'm off to celebrate my son.



Goddess of the Hunt

Now Joe, I know that you like your wine goblets large, but really!!

Dionysus is famously known for being the Ancient Greek God of intoxicating drinks like wine and beer. He is also known as the Liberator as he liberates oneself with the intoxicating power of alcoholic drinks.

Joe, or "Joseph the Betrothed" - Be careful Colleen, Immaculate conception is a forte - is also known as "Joseph the patron saint of workers". I can attest to Joe's remarkable work ethic!! In fact, we Oregonians have already paid tribute by naming a town after him "Joseph"

It is alleged that by burying a statue, photograph or the body of "Saint Joseph" that it will enlist the saint's assistance in finding a buyers who are willing to pay many times the fair market value. Hmmmm, does that explains Joe's propensity for shorting the market, a sort of reverse psychology? Well, for as many times as he was buried, It seems to have done little for my condo value! Sigh... Maybe it was because I was generally buried with him. Double Sigh....

Joe, it was terriffic visiting you and Colleen! I hope to do it again soon with Sandra in tow..


and Best wishes to all


Just Joe

Unbelievable! I lost my entry. Sid, I directly blame you. All that I did was attempt to preview it. However I will try to recreate it.

Another week gone by. The spectacular autumn landscape has began to set in on the Pocono Mts. Still without a hint of fall temperatures.

Sid it was a delight having you last weekend. Sandra, you were surely missed. We have such few visitors. Poor Colleen had to put up with our antics by herself. Please try to come next chance. Sid should have informed you that I have a 1001 italian cures for ailments of all kinds. I would love to try them out on another human being. The only other willing participant is my son Joe Jr., but he doesn't count since he contains the same gene pool as myself.

Diana, in your defense Dionysus is defined as the god of wine, drama, fertility, revelry and orgiastic religion. The latter i wish not to comment. But,not the god of beer, perhaps in Swahili. Interestingly, Sidney is derived from Saint Denis, which derives from DionySIUS, which means "devinely touched", you may interpret that as you wish, I have.

The birds are driving me crazy. The doves are now laying eggs about every week and a half. Right before the oviparious animals discharge they begin COOOOOOOOOOOing endlessly. The button quail are still my favorite, KC if they reproduce I will certainly earmark one for you.

Bopcha, I am still working on obtaining writable sheet music online. I've spent a considerable amount of time and still no luck. The lyrics to Johnnycake Man still sits on my coffee table, I hope to get the notes before the end of this year.

I final note, as a previous student of junior magicians school, I have found there are 2 methods to balance an egg; one, place a little mound of salt under the table cloth prior to the attempt; and two, hardboil it. I don't recall the moon nor Vernal equinox, being in play.
