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Large Hadron Collider

By Steve West: 2008-09-10 23:49:36

Buzz up!

You're Not Dead: Why We Need The Large Hadron Collider Hey, so how are you doing today? I see you’re still alive. Well, most of you are…I’m sure by the laws of probability a few folks passed during the day. One thing is for sure, the first rumblings of the Large Hadron Collider didn’t result in a black hole of super doom. Today is the day that the machine that was to bring the end to us all was started up near Geneva, Switzerland. So why aren’t we dead yet?

Funny enough, no particles have collided yet. This means the freak-out crazies have more time to proclaim the end is nigh. Right now the particles are just doing their warm up laps. On October 21, 2008 they are scheduled to meet head on. Then the end of the world will come. Or not, as every single scientist and sane minded person will tell you.

Perhaps the reason people are so afraid of the Large Hadron Collider is that they don’t see any tangible benefits to the device. I’m going to make one up. People have been making up silly crap for the masses to believe in since the dawn of man, I might as well use a proven method. OK, so CERN (the particle physics lab behind the Collider) is also responsible for something else that you and I would find quite important. The World Wide Web was started there, mainly as a way to sort documents concerning the experiments going on at CERN.

Now we may not have any cognizant grasp on learning the true nature of dark energy, or what the heck a Higgs boson is. This does not mean that something magical can’t come of the Large Hadron Collider. Think of it this way: Web 2.0 is a marketing term that means nothing. It’s a nerdy way of talking about social networking sites, but those sites use the same internet as the average man. It’s time for the real Web 2.0. The one where you can access info with your brain instantly. Imagine the day when you can check into Blend Tech by just thinking about it. That is what the Large Hadron Collider will bring.

Zoiboyz to Arrive Today!

KC called me this morning and said she was only 600 miles away and that she would arrive tonight! We are thrilled that she will be here in time to relax (maybe).

We are almost ready ... the kitten needs to go to Gavin's house, the lawn may need a quick once over, and the patio needs sweeping ...

All the beds are ready - one for each sister, including Judith.

The weather should be glorious.

Sorry about the Beaver/Penn State fiasco. I'll have a chat with the coach.

Noah's team squeaked out a win last night. It was so much fun!




Yes, it is that time again. I pick Cheryl up and drive to Tangent about eight miles from here and open plastic bags to be filled with frozen foods.

I listen to the talk shows during the day and night to keep up with the election campaign.

I meant to stay awake last night so I would hear about the collider at l2:30 a.m. But I must have drifted off to sleep and missed this dramatic event. Do any of you know what happened? I haven't heard.

KC drove to Colorado Springs last night and will be on her way to Diana's house today. She will get there Friday, I think.

The Beavers play the Hawaii team this weekend. They hope to win.

Love, Bopcha

Birthday time again!


A long way to go!


Thanks KC for your faith in my ability to even learn anything in the Photo class. I actually admire your way of learning photography a lot more. Actually, when it comes right down to it, doing is really what it will take to learn such a skill. I am not sure what the focus of the class will be, it might be a bit esoteric rather than really practical and hands on. There was some mention of actually developing black and white photos in a darkroom. I'm sure that's not what you really had in mind is it? I also will have to see what kind of camera the instructor will be letting us use. Could be that I have to get another camera (yikes, wasn't really ready to spend more $ on a camera). But we will see. If I get valuable information, I will be more than happy to pass it along.

So I guess lots of folks are excited about the Penn State vs. OSU game. Even my sister called me all excited about it. And guess what she and George (as well as myself) are actually cheering for OSU - even though we are "Pennsylvanians."

Can you all believe that Nina is going to be ten years old tomorrow? Amazing. I still see her as such a little girl who loves fairies, dolls, little creaturs, Santa Claus, animals etc... I wish she was never going to loose that child like innocence, but that would be absolutely ridiculous I suppose. She is already starting to worry more about what she wears. Too bad that all schools don't have uniforms so that children would actually expend their energies on something uplifting rather than what clothes they are wearing, and trying to "fit in." I just keep reminding myself that millions of children before her have been through it and I am sure she will be just fine.

Alex right now (it is only the third day) is enjoying kindergarten.

That's if for now. The weather here is starting to get ominous. Sid is really excited and I think he is wishing for a hurricane. Interesting??

Enjoy the weekend.

Love to all,


Another Photog in the Family? Terrific!!

Hey Sandra, an actual photography class sounds really really cool. I really need one myself. Learning by trail and error can be painful, tedious, and frustrating all at the same time. Thank goodness for technology--the digital revolution has saved me BIG $$. Now I spend the money on the camera and lens instead!!--and dogs of course. They are such a ready subject, it's good I have so many. Tom would really get berzerk if he were my only target for my new lens!!

Bopcha - I'll bet you'll be glad when the last of those rascally pears drops off the trees. Wouldn't it be something if they'd just drop into the basket all by themselves? And I'm so glad that your eye healed so well and so quickly.

Sid - I'm so delighted that you are going to give that book a test. Dee and Bill said they were as well. I'm so excited. Can't wait until you've listened/read it and we can discuss!! Ol' Thomas Sowell will no doubt be amazed at the bump in book sales after 21 years!!

Cute kitties Dee!!

Love, KC

Bopcha's poor eye

Hey Bopcha ,

Remember that number one son did ask you about your eye.. We were absolutely thinking of you!! It's those mean spirited daughters.. I will have to speak with them about their ill behavior!!

Thanks Thomson for the book recommendation, it looked interesting and I have already ordered it.

John McCain did a great job with the VP pick!!! Wow! Sara Palin is the bomb! As they say. I absolutely love her. The dems at work said the speech was mean spirited .. are they delusional or what!

Good Grief!! Love Sid


Now that baseball has faded away from my favorite radio channels, football is taking its place. The Beavers are playing Penn State this Saturday, at Penn State. They are predicted to lose by at least fifteen points. I don't know if I can stand listening to the game or not. It will be broadcast on our local channel at 12:30 Pacific Daylight Time. Diana and Bill will be here this weekend, but I don't know if Diana will be able (if she can bear it) to listen to the game or not. She likes to WIN.

The pears are dropping off the tree and the ground is covered with pears each morning. They fall from high up and are pretty battered by the time they thump on the ground. They are out of reach of my tallest ladder. So, it is pickup time each morning.

My red eye just faded away like the doctor predicted. I didn't get any sympathy at all, or even curious comments. Thank you, Sandra, for your interest!

KC is looking forward to next weekend, the 12th, when the dog races take place in Washington. She has rounded up all family members she can to assist her. I think Sid and Sandra are glad to be so far away.

The weather is nice. Cool nights and days in the 80's. Hope the Beavers make a good showing at least.

Love, Bopcha

Is it Really September

Hello everyone,

In Philadelphia right now it feels like the we are in the midst of summer. This entire week, it is supposed to be hot and humid. Cooler weather would be nice, or at least heat without humidity, but I guess I shouldn't complain, we could be getting "New Orleans like weather."

Bopcha, I hope your eye is well recovered. Did you ever figure out what caused the redness. The good news is that you got to find out how good your blood pressure is. That is an impressive BP. It is lower than mine, and I exercise like a mad person. What is your method for such good BP?

I guess we all kind of figured Jessica was headed for a promotion. That is really awesome. She must be so so excited. I'll have to check out that store on the web, I am really unfamiliar with it. That's pretty neat that she will get to travel to Canada as well, which part? And now that Noah is working at Nike, I assume he can get discounts for the entire extended family, even ones living 3000 miles away and beyond. Of course I am just kidding. Nike is a probably a nice store to work for. They have lots of neat stuff.

When the Olympics track teams were on, they kept talking about the American teams training programs in Eugene Oregon. I never knew that the Olympic team trained there. It would be fun to watch them train down there one day. On second thought, you are probably all thinking "why would we watch people run around a track like they are running for their lives." For some reason I love watching track and field events. I think watching practices would be even more interesting.

Thanks KC for the photos you posted, they are really nice as always. I was actually thinking about taking a photography course here at Penn, that is if I can register for it. It is a little late and the instructor may not let me. We will see. I will let you all know. Of course, it will take endless years to get where you are KC with your photos. But I figured it's worth a try. It's always something I wanted to learn about. I have no photography skills right now.

The kitty is so cute. I love that gray tone.

Hope everyone is well, and take good care.

New Kitten, Promotion, New Job

Jess has a new kitten - "Ella" Here is a photo of Ella (the silver tabby) and Remy, Gavin's kitten, getting to know one another.

Jess also got a promotion at work! She is now officially the Merchandising Manager at Aritzia's Bellevue store. She goes to Canada next week for more training.

Noah is now working at Nike town, selling high end athletic shoes. He likes it because he gets a discount on his favorite footwear, and because he can take a bus to work!

Saw Tiff's apartment over the weekend. It is nice, and she really has it fixed up nice!