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Voting Day Finally

Hello Everyone,

I think we are all relieved Election Day is finally here. The disagreement about who should be President is fierce around here, but at least now the conversations can take a different turn. Now we will get to see empirically what the chosen candidate will do. So I guess the arguments will now turn to what is being done rather than what will be done by the new President. That "change" of pace will be welcome in my view. This morning, Sid literally dragged me out of bed to get to the polls by 7am. Little did we know that when we got there, the three machines would all be inoperable. So we had ended up being there until 9am anyway. See, it really doesn't pay to be early for things - I am just kidding of course :-) But really one of the reasons why Sid wanted to get there early is so that we could efficiently be in and out. Oh well, we got to have an interesting conversation with a neighbor who was standing in line. He turned out to be a photgrapher and on the faculty at Philadelphia College of Art, so we got lots of good tips from him. He also had a super cute dog.

Diana, I know what you mean about Philly being annoying, it is annoying to lots of us but usually not for the reason that you claim. :-) But just want you to know you are not alone in your sentiment.

Tomorrow at this time we will know who our new President will be. It is an exciting time, I have to admit.

Bye for now.



Philly is getting annoying

Hey, I supported your baseball team ... so you were supposed to LEAVE THE SEAHAWKS ALONE!!!!!!

Well, I guess having OSU win a close game used up all my good luck. It was a great game. We were really close to the field, surrounded by enthusiastic (and perhaps drunk in the case of a few) students. Arizona State's QB gave us grief (which we totally expected), but we hung on and pulled out an important win. It only rained for about 5 minutes, during which we whipped out our plastic rain covers and stayed dry. It was balmy and dry otherwise. Thanks again, Kay and Judi, for such a great birthday gift!

