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Sibs at the farm in late June, 2014

What a good looking crew! Judith, Sid, KC, Kathryn and Diana.

KC in full relaxation.

Little boy blue come blow your horn ...

Noah on his favorite ride.

Logger Rick and the giant tree.


Noah, Bill and Dee admiring the big tree.

Sid on his favorite ride.

Sid and KC singin in the orchard.

Happy together!

Aunt Martha's memorial service

Me writing the eulogy.

Harvey and Mary.

Loretta, Phyllis and Kay.

Becky and Steve.

Becky and Debbie.

Sad and Fun

I looked into the older pages of the blog to see pictures of Aunt Martha. What a delightful woman she was - so hard to believe she's gone from our world. While whizzing through all the pictures, I also stumbled upon the large stack of logs that are now firewood. Made me laugh again - I can only imagine Rick the lumber man's horror when he saw his nice work converted into firewood. The good news: we really are well set for firewood now!