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Hiking up the Rock Creek Trail and New Garage

See how debris is catching in the big log placements? Just according to plan.

Another big log placement on Rock Creek.

Kay and I hiked up the Rock Creek trail and faced this difficult crossing on Griffith Creek.

Kay insisted that we walk across the slippery logs to get to the other side of Griffith Creek. Here she is en route.

Here I am, safely across!

We need more gravel on this spot. The water is going over, instead of through, the gravel.

New garage with windows protected from the rain.

Wet in October

The woods are wet and the toadstools/mushrooms are everywhere!

I love this view.

Researcher Neil

A photo of our researcher! Really nice kid with a great British accent.

Cluster Flies

The cluster flies are back, but seem to limit invasion to Unk's room. These two photos show a 4 day collection on the two window sills in Unk's room. They die fast, because I vacuumed up a ton of dead ones when I first got here, and 4 days later vacuumed up this batch - all but about 2 were dead.

Kay and I went to Springfield and searched the Mount Vernon Pioneer Cemetery for Edwin Moneta's marker. No luck this time, but we will try again.

Kay and Diana and the Ranger

The farm skunk found another bee's nest in the ground. This time in the lower field. I will fill it in. It is a hazard!

Kay looking for skunk holes.

Log placement holding well in higher water in Rock Creek.

Recent rain has made Rock Creek flow increase.

Swimming hole is a sight to see!

Lower part of swimming hole.

Log jam again.

Griffith Creek natural log jam.

Griffith Creek log placement structure.

Me near Griffith Creek, standing next to a dead snag much enjoyed by woodpeckers.

It isn't my failure to focus, it is Kay's speed as she drives the Ranger across Griffith Creek!

Irish Blackthorne, struggling to survive.

Early Fall at the Farm

I heard the coyotes up close and personal last night. Then this morning I found fresh scat. Coyote or local dog? When I moved it off of the road the inside was pumpkin colored.

Oil? Didn't appear to be a roof leak.

Sorry this is sideways. Only one of the garage doors had water coming in under the door.

Could this be the cause?

You can see the dampness under the door edge. It didn't seem to be coming from the ground. Maybe somebody opened the door and the rain simply ran off of the open door?

Rain has come in from the windows. No surprise there.

Most scraggly of the blueberry bushes.

A thriving blueberry bush.