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Bragging about where I work

Hello everyone,

I am surely driving Sid crazy with all this talk about Barbero. I have just been having so much fun listening and watching all my colleagues at the Vet School on television and radio. All the folks who work at the Large Animal Hospital do great and meaningful work and it's nice to see they are getting so much recognition. Considering that two summers ago ago, the Hospital was spending 24/7 on wiping out the devastation of the huge salmonella problem, I would say this group deserves some good press.

Anyway, you can see how exciting my life is - I mean the fact that Barbaro is the most exciting thing going....well...I guess I have to work on getting a life huh???? Actually I am really busy all the time - but it is all work related.

My grandmom always asks about you Bopcha. And of course Nina always looks so happy when your name comes up. She has the best memories of you and Orgeon -it's really cute.

Bopcha, you were wondering why the horse only has a 50-50 chance. That's a good question because you are right the horse does look healthy. Apparently, in horses when there are injuries as serious as the one Barbaro has, severe complications can occur. The healing process is what brings about the biggest problem. A horse's size makes it difficult for them to heal, not to mention the fact that they can't rest in a bed like we do. But from what I can understand (in my limited medical knowledge), the horse can not lean on the injured leg, and so the horse puts its weight on the rest of his body. This then causes circulation problems and issues with infection. It seems like for such big animals, horses are very fragile.

Anway, Sid and I are actually going to spend some time in our offices today getting work done. Isn't that sad???

KC, I've been hearing about your dog succcess stories, that is so great. Four new puppies, wow!! Puppies are so cute - I'd love to see pictures when you have a chance.

Take good care and I'll check in soon.


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Diana on :

It is so nice to hear from you, Sandra. Perhaps Sid wasn't just being annoying when he set up this blog!

I just had some photos developed from the Borzoi races in Auburn and I am going to try to post them. Wish me luck!!!

Anonymous on :

Sandra, many thanks on your explanation of the injuries to horses. Now I can repeat it to my friends and sound like I know what I am talking about. Thanks again. Bopcha

Anonymous on :

Hi Diana,

As always it is so great to hear from you also. I always laugh at your jokes to Sid. It is much fun to have big sister beat on little brother. I get to watch Nina and Alex in action. Now that Alex is four and talks non-stop he is so so adorable. A completely unbiased comment :-)

Stay in touch and take good care. Hope you enjoyed Memorial day weekend.


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