On Tuesday, January 28, 2025, DH, our favorite American Tree Farm System inspector, toured the farm to ensure Shiver River continues to comply with its certification requirements. We passed! A retired OSU professor, we always learn a ton when his feet touch our ground.

Sandra pays close attention as DH describes the well-being of our neighbor’s pine trees.

Winter debris makes getting to a replanting site difficult.

A lovely chinquapin tree near our border with a neighbor’s clear cut.

I can’t remember what DH was pointing out, but walking with him is like getting a university level Forestry course without having to pay tuition.

DH took a look at our new culverts. He suggested adding more rocks to the spill from the first one you encounter walking into the woods.

Sid and DH discuss the health of the “free to grow” Doug-fir planting near the Watershed Road.

Nikole and dad David visit the farm!

Bianca never loses an opportunity to have her photo taken.