I can hardly believe the chicken door works! Congrats to all who helped Uncle Sid achieve this miracle!
Bill and I took JB and Noah to dinner last night. Noah got off work at 4 pm, so we took him to a movie (National Treasure : Book of Secrets) while waiting for JB to get off work. After she got off, we went to a nearby Italian restaurant. I had Chinese chicken salad, Bill had chicken Caesar salad, JB had penne pasta, and Noah had a burger. As always, we had a lot of fun. Getting together for a dinner out is the best proven method for getting together with the kids with no distractions. It isn't cheap, but nothing that has to do with kids ever is.
Happy New Year to all. I am determined to lose 10 to 20 lbs before my 60th birthday, so don't buy me any oversized clothes for that day - I plan to be a size 12 by then. And watch out, Sandra, I will be able to do the farm loop trail with ease!
I love each and every one of you more than you can possibly comprehend.
It is 8:20 a.m. I hope it is the last of the re-runs on the radio.
I am looking forward to an opening event on the last day of the year. Yes! Sid has created and electronic miracle. The little door to the chic ken house will be automated. It will close at night and open in the morning all by itself. No need to go out in the morning with boots on and dressed in warm clothes to take the walk to the chicken house and open by hand the little door to let the chickens out. Sid will come in this a.m. and tell me of the results. Too bad he is also leaving today for Philadelphia. He catches the plane at 7 a.m. New Year Day.
Reference the first paragraph. Re-runs of my favorite talk show hosts have been monopolizing the airways, some guest artists are interesting. Oh, oh! Sid just walked in and said the door was a success.
Love, Bopcha
P.S. Yes, Kay. My computer is operational thanks to Sidney and Murray. Murray also helped with the chicken house door.
I also loved the Tiller pictures. Tiffany thought the house looked very small until she saw the picture of the front with the huge windows. Tiffany got back from CA today and slept until about 15 minutes ago.
I loved all my Christmas gifts, purses, shirts, jewelry and ornament. I have not yet worn my
Christmas jewelry but will wear some to work tomorrow.
I am going to Reno on my birthday. Looking forward to the train ride.
I am disappointed that we don't have any snow so I hope to see a lot on my way to Reno.
Today at 4:33 the chicken door automatically lowered !! Yahoooo!! Tomorrow at 7am it should automatically rise.. It will need some tweaking but we are looking good.
Judi is back from her journeys. Sid will soon be gone, like New Years Day. KC has been with Tom and will be going back to Omaha the 2nd of January. It will be 2008 for 365 days, or isn't an extra day due us on February 29?
I wonder what the year 2008 will be like. I hear gloomy forecasts, like global warming, an inflated economy, For myself, I have a great computer, excellent surroundings, an exercise program, a library card, a nice health plan, interesting neighbors, and great activities available to me.
Murray left for home after the movie last night. Today was the day I work at the Gleaners. It was a job as there was very little help, and the people in charge weren't there, and Cheryll was in Oklahoma, and Sherry had a blood clot. and we had 48 grocery bags to fill. I QUIT at noon and had spent my day flattening boxes that had been in the rain since last Friday. My hands were cold allthough I did wear gloves.. Sid did a cleanup job in the frig. It is so much fun working on someone else's mess. You can be ruthless tossing out dated ingredients, and I had brought home from the Gleaners. oranges, pomegranite (sp) . tomato soooooooup, and I can't think what else right this minutes. Then SID and I drove to the recicling place and disposed of brown, green, clear, and misc. bottles. That Sid is a good worker and I really appreciated his help.
It is ten minutes to three and soon, I hope, the mail man will come and bring me some interesting mail, not bills!
Sid says my new computer is a challenge even for him!
Sid and Murray and Bopcha went to see th e above movie. They enjoyed it. Murray left for home AT 5:15 P.M. They went to visit Aunt Martha in Junction City. It has been raining, and raining, and raining.
Sid will be heading for the farm in a few minutes. It is dark outside. Love to all. Bopcha
It was 1 p.m. and Sid and I were just talking, "I wonder when Murray will arrive" and he walked through the door.
Sid had an errand to run, so he and Murray are gone and shopping.
We had a quiet time, Christmas, and I find it difficult to get moving again.. All my good intentions vanish when it comes to doing some work. The floor needs mopping and sweeping, clothing needs to be picked up, folded, put away , but I think I will go see the chipmunk movie instead.
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I was out and about for awhile with my neighbor and her son and then I went and saw the Will Smith movie "I am Legend." I think that was the title. Not too impressed.
Had a nice day and tomorrow it is back to work. Duncan turned 16 today. It will be interesting to see what the coming year brings for him.
We had a bit of snow today but it quickly turned to rain. So much for a white Christmas.