Thanks for your feedback. I thought perhaps I was going overboard with all the writing. I tend to be a little long winded when I write. Jessica sounds like she is having an enjoyable time with her job. That is excellent. It's always nice to land a job that you are pleased with.
A few weeks ago, it was school picture time. In the morning my sister said to Alex, you are going to get your picture taken. He then sighed some and said, "Mommy I don't want to get my picture taken, I'm too shy for that."
He also asked my sister, If they were all going to go on vacation in the summer, or is just my sister and George going to go away and leave Nina and Alex at home with a babysitter.
Nina is growing up and her comments are becoming more "rational" you know the boring comments that we make as adults. Although, a few weeks ago she playing with me and she was pretending to be an angel who was getting married. She said she was going to Oregon for her honeymoon. That's a real compliment to the state. Think she will still choose Oregon when she in her 20's or 30's
Well, my head is now full of visions of wild Italian families, birds facing off against snakes, and my mother flexing her spine while feeding the hungry.
I really get a kick out of Nina and Alex's comments. We don't have any little ones out here to keep us entertained, so keep feeding us their funny comments!
Jessica is headed to British Columbia again. She gets two days of Merchandise Manager training next week. She joins two other employees, one from the new San Jose store and one from Toronto. She is so excited. This is the position she wants, and in fact is filling at the moment in addition to her responsibility as one of the floor managers. The actual merchandise manager is on maternity leave.
Lots of basketball for the next two weeks. Hooray!!!!
Nina has conures which are rather high maintenance. They are fairly intelligent birds. She one time had to leave it at the Vet Hospital where I work and it was amazingly expensive to treat her. My sister was in shock.
Then Sid and I had to babysit the bird for some days before they could pick her up. The bird grew quite attached to Sid. Sid was especially good at taking care of little bird. And the bird was very responsive to him.
It was interesting because once we brought the bird outside to drive her back to my sister's house, I think the bird sensed that she was leaving the territory and she became less attached to Sid. I know this story sounds crazy. But I am around animal lovers all day so I don't really know what is normal anymore
Thanks for asking Bopcha. I am sure Nina would love to talk to you about her birds. Hopefully she will have the opportunity to talk to you soon about her birds and her snake.
Bopcha, I am always so amazed how much you understate your own pain. What can I say, I am in an Italian family where drama is very much a part of getting your message across. I am accustomed to hearing my Grandma etc... talk about physical ailments in a very dramatic manner, no understatements going on in my family. If only you could all hear my family sometimes and of course understand whay they are saying (because it is usually screaming in Italian), I am sure it would bring some laughter.
I have to say when it comes to health, it always seems like healing takes more time than we expect. Bopcha, it sounds like you made so much progress, but you just need a little more time to get there all the way. I know I get really inpatient, as we all do when I am trying to get back to normal.
Well Nina and Alex sure do keep us entertained. The latest is that Nina got a a little snake as a pet. I may have mentioned how much she is fascinated with animals and is already talking about becoming a Veternarian. She will consider any kind of pet, even a snake. SO now they have birds and a snake. I know they really want a dog, but I think there is a lot of concern about the maintenance to keep a dog.
Alex claims that they should buy a house in Oregon because there "you don't need as many toys because you can play outside." He came up with this all on his own.
I hope everyone is well. Diana I hope you are recovered from your cold, flu etc... Again, it just seems to take time to recover when it comes to health issues. I am still recovering from my flu somewhat. Tom, we hope you are also doing well and feeling fairly back to normal. Hang in there.
I mean the spinal column in the mddle of one's back. I have found that although the terrific pain has vanished, there is still healing left to be done. I worked for the Glleaners and quit after an hour of stacking packages of food on shelves. No, it wasn't heavy lifting, but the motion involved was exhausting after a short while. Enough about me.
Sandra, it was so nice to read of your (and Sid's) visit with Merideth.
Judi has already planted some garden and has plans for more. We had brussell sprouts to eat all winter long! I think we have about cleaned the plants of them all. The chickens are laying again. We had eggs all winter long, but now we have an abundance of them.
Sid and I finally met with Meredith and her Dad on Sunday evening. It was really enjoyable. Both of them are fun to hang out with. We went to a place near Meredith's house, which happens to be a really good restaurant with great food.
Meredith is currently working full-time as a nurse in Labor and Delivery at the University of Penn Hospital. One would expect that difficult cases come through that department. But it is only after listening to Meredith's very animated lively stories about the patients that come through the hospital that one can appreciate the severity of the cases. and volume It really is unbelievable the lack of responsibility that these mothers have for their babies and Meredith says she has changed her opinion of people. This is turning out to be quite a learning experience for her. It is certainly preparing her to handle all kinds of challening cases. In May, she will begin her Nursing classes and continue to work in the Hospital.
She will have more stories for us I am sure. We told her we would like to stay posted on her experiences at the Hospital. Her dad "Joey" seems really nice and he is now working as the CEO of the Hospital and even he is overwhelmed by the size of U of Penn Hospital.
Hopefully, we will be seeing Meredith again soon. That's it for now, I better get to bed and get some sleep for tomorrow's workday.
Other than the fact that I had a horrible cold and spent most of the weekend in bed, there is no news from the Island.
Well, Noah got his hair cut apparently. Jessica and Bill went to Costco after church on Sunday (I was in bed) and delivered food to him thereafter. Bill says his hair looks really good. It is longer than he wore in in high school and is just a bunch of big curls.
Jessica got to spend time with a friend from high school who now lives in New York City. She was home visiting her parents.
By Kelly Fiveash → More by this authorPublished Wednesday 20th February 2008 12:47 GMTGreen Computing - Where do you stand? Microsoft has suspended distribution of one of the updates required for Vista service pack one (SP1), after customers complained that their PCs wouldn’t boot up properly once KB937287 had been applied.
The servicing stack update, which was pushed out to the Windows Update site last week, is an essential part of the Vista SP1 puzzle - without it, the operating system’s full service pack can’t be installed.
Despite Microsoft’s decision to hold the update back until its engineers fix the PC reboot error, Redmond insists that Vista SP1, which was released to manufacturing on 4 February and is already available to MSDN subscribers, will still be available for general consumption in mid-March as planned.
Microsoft product manager Nick White said last week that the pre-SP1 release of two final prerequisite updates, which included KB937287 and multi-component update KB938371, were "just one more example of how we're continuing to actively invest in improving the Windows Vista experience through Windows Update".
BUT yesterday - following the spillage of plenty of blood in the TechNet forums - he scaled back that somewhat optimistic claim.
"So far, we've been able to determine that this problem only affects a small number of customers in unique circumstances," White said. "We are working to identify possible solutions and will make the update available again shortly after we address the issue." He did not, though, indicate exactly how many customers had actually experienced the error.
White said that any Vista customers who have been hit by the problem should either call Microsoft or use System Restore to fix the problem.
The Vista team had already admitted that it's been wrangling with driver failure problems during installation of SP1. This latest issue raises the stakes ahead of the planned mass-release in March. ®
I hope your surgery went well yesterday. We sent lots of good wishes your way! Just hold off on those sit ups for a day or two! Ha! Ha!
The Mercer Island Islander bb team is in the midst of District playoffs so we have lots of basketball to watch for the next week. We are meeting some tough teams, so winning them all may not be realistic. Four out of the eight teams left in our District make it to State.
As you know, we go to all the high school games out of loyalty to Noah's old team and coach and because Gavin is the offensive coordinator for the team (a strange title that could be misconstrued - he is definitely NOT offensive in a negative way!).
All is well, but I'm getting lots of work on my teeth and that is annoying.
JB, Bill and I watched Noah's recreational league team play last night. Back row far right is Gavin. Noah is standing next to Gavin (as if you wouldn't recognize the big hair!)
Sid and I assumed that we were supposed to be meeting with Meredith this weekend. But as it turns out her father is coming in for next weekend, so we will be meeting next Sunday. Of course we are available either week so there is no problem.
Today the temperature was mid 60's - perhaps even upper 60's. It was so warm and now that it is evening, it is freezing and of course most of us don't have enough clothing (jackets, etc...) No wonder so many of us in Phila are sick.
Nina actually told me the other day that for her honey moon, she wants to go to Oregon. I thought that was cute, although I don't think she quite understands what she is talking about.
I guess I better get back to work, because I certainly have enough of it to last me a good long while.
I hope everyone has a restful weekend. Kay, we saw your message and would be more than happy to send Meredith your greetings. Sid identified a good restaurant to go to called Buakkan. It is recognized as being on the top 50 restaurants in the U.S. Sid and I have never been there but we are pretty certain that Meredith and her Dad will like it. We will let you know.
Yesterday I finally went back to work after being sick in bed with the flu for three days. I felt much better but still not feeling a normal level of energy. I forgot how long it takes to recover from a flu. But I felt well enough to force myself into work and drive out to New Bolton Center (one hour away). The work just piles up too quickly and it is too stressful to stay out of work.
I will write more later. Hope all have a good weekend.