Kay's birthday bash! Posted by Diana on Tuesday, January 21. 2014 Kay got to wear an amazing fish hat while waiters and waitresses sang Happy Birthday! Of course accompanied by sisters Judi and Diana, Max, Susan and Gil. Part of Kay's entourage. Ann, sighthound expert extrordinare.
At the farm in January of 2014 Posted by Diana on Monday, January 20. 2014 Big coyote? Foggy at 8 a.m. as I head for a walk through the woods on the loop trail. The cow lane in the fog. Looking back at the house. Road is in good shape. Oooops! A fallen tree blocks my path. I didn't have my saw, but I was on foot so I just ducked under it. The tarps on the firewood pile remained in place. The thinned part of the forest is getting lots of good light. Another small barrier in my path.