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Hmmm That Does Sound really Good

The baked ziti sounds wonderful. Isn't pasta just the best? I wish I could eat it everyday, but I guess one is not supposed to because of all the carbs. Why can't pasta have the same calorie contents as salad or something. There was a time in my life when I did eat it everyday. That's when we were little of course. Seems like Jessica is such a good cook.

I am sorry to hear about the neck surgery. It sounds difficult but it also seems that the surgery will resolve the problem and Tom you will most likely get the relief you were looking for. You will be glad when it's over and out of the way. That is the advantage of getting the surgery done, you won't have to keep questioning "Should I do the surgery, should I wait, etc...." That is what I went through with my ear surgery which I had to have done in both ears (2 years apart) You are certainly in our thoughts. I don't think you will get shorter and besides you have lots of height to spare.

I hope everyone is well and not getting too much of a cold blast. We have a few very cold days but it will be warming up soon.

I guess I better get back to work. I am a little overwhelmed right now so I decided to write on the blog, which is a lot more enjoyable than what I have to do here :-) expecially at the moment.




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