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Remy, Ella and Buster

Gavin brought Remy (short for Remington) over last night for a "play date" with Ella. It was supposed to help prepare him for his week-long visit with us, which begins Friday morning.

It was pretty funny. Ella and Remy followed one another all over the house, and toward the end began to playfully spar with each other. Buster, on the other hand, was sulking and hissing at whatever silly kitten happened to be near.

The plumber is at the house this morning. He thinks the leak is from the toilet, so he will try that first. If it doesn't solve the problem, he will tear out some holes in the ceiling and walls etc. Gulp!

We went to two basketball games last night. Even though the Mercer Island boys are done for the season, the girls are still competing. They lost last night, but will continue playing for a state playoff slot.

We head to Corvallis Saturday a.m.

Later, alligators!



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