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Oregon or Scotland?

Hello All,

Yesterday I was talking to one of our professors who is from Scotland. He asked me if I had visited Oregon recently. I told him that I will inevitably be visiting, but don't know when. He said he had recently returned from there. He said he had been in Seattle and then went down to "a town called Corvallis, do you know where that is?" I said of course that is the exact location of where I go when I am in Oregon. I asked him if he had been visiting the Vet School there at OSU and he said he indeed visited the Vet School. My hunch is he was being interviewed for a job.

But he said that Oregon reminded him so much of "home" which is Scotland for him of course. He said all the green pasture, and the more moderate temperatures, and then finally the light.

The light in Oregon is exactly like Scotland. I was very complimentary of Oregon. So apparently your "home" is a lot like Scotland, isn't that lovely? I think it is.

Diana, you really had me laughing with your vegetable story. Definitely, raw vegetables can really cause havoc on your digestive system. But when I am uncomfortable from eating broccoli or brussel sprouts, etc.... I just keep reminding myself how healthy they are. That usually doesn't do improve my stomach situation, but I keep reminding myself why I ate them in the first place.

The plumbing problems sound like a nightmare, especially if you thought everything was in order in your house. That is the advantage of living in a really old house, and never updating anything (that would be our home) when something goes wrong, you are never startled. In fact, if something is not completely decimated like the ceiling caving in, you feel like you lucked out for now.

So Bopcha what is with the dogs? Are these stray dogs and are they on your property or are they just near your farm? As much as I love dogs, I am definitely a little hysterical around barking stray dogs. You and Judy are very brave, my hats off to you! Any idea where they came from?

I need to get back to work now :-(

Hope everyone is well.


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