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from Corvallis

It was good to hear from you, Diana. Sid and I have been talking to each other on SKYPE while he is home. Thank goodness for communications. I assume KC and Tom have made it to Colorado Springs yesterday, and hopefully Tori is back home, and Kay heard from Judi who is on her way to Texas.

Today, Karen, the blue butterfly specialist, and Eveliina K., a person of interest from Finland (?) walked across the bridge in search of nectar for the subject butterfly. They didn't find any, it is still to early in the Spring, but Eveliina K. now knows where to look. Kay went along. I visited with the chickens, which reminds me, I have a dozen eggs in my car I retrieved from the chicken house. They were sort of messed up and I took them so I could wash them.

Kay and I are going to a forestry meeting this next Tuesday. Kay likes to get out and meet people. Tomorrow is REPAK.

I am such a busy person.

Love to all. Bopcha


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