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Funnier and funnier

I have really enjoyed reading the recent entries!

Yesterday I had hysterics at work. I laughed so hard I cried. It probably isn't going to seem as funny to anyone else, because you haven't had to live with this crazy case as long as I have.

Anyway, it is a long story about a woman who alleges that the City I represent illegally kept her from opening her adult family home (a home for high functioning young adults with handicaps). There is no easy answer to the legal questions, but the litigation process has been truly unique because the plaintiff is pretty unique (hard to communicate with effectively) and her lawyers (two guys my age who are with separate firms - well, they are separate sole practitioners) are buffoons. They are really nice guys, but for some reason, they are buffoons when it comes to this case.

In any event, the case got dismissed because the lawyers failed to respond to our motion for summary judgment. They they filed an appeal and the appeal was dismissed because they forgot to file an appellate brief. Then they made a motion to reinstate the appeal which was granted (grrr.....). So, they finally file their appellate brief, and, as required, they file the portions of the record they want the court to look at in a separate binder.

The binder is a complete joke. They threw in EVERYTHING and did not index it properly and it is so bad it is hard to describe. But the thing that sent me over the edge was when I opened the pages that were supposed to have deposition transcripts on them, only to find that they had shrunk the transcripts down to two inch by one inch images!!!!!! When I saw them, I completely fell apart and went racing around the office laughing so hard it was disruptive.

So anyway, apparently the judges that sit on the court of appeals are not only smarter than the rest of us, they can SEE better than the rest of us!


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