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Welcome, Sid

Glad to hear that Sid arrived safely and will be on the scene as Mother's kitchen undergoes the transformation. I can't wait to see it!

I am really busy at work right now. Mike has a trial coming up, and that means a lot of spill over work for the rest of us. It is a good thing. The work is interesting and the pressure of deadlines always helps motivation.

I enjoyed hearing about the turkey attack! I'll bet the dogs are having the time of their lives!

Noah has enrolled for 10 hours of classes for fall term. He decided against going for a minor in econ and is taking Abnormal Psychology and Entreprenurial Marketing to finish up his degree.

He finally goes to the hand specialist on Tuesday, June 1. I'm guessing they will want to do surgery. Sigh!

Jessica is working hard. Our hours are so different and she spends so much time with Mercer Island's new basketball coach (Gavin), that we see evidence of her, but don't actually see her that much.

Keep us posted on the kitchen project!




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