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Today is Thursday

It is l0:30 a.m. on the above day of the week. Already we have been making news. Kay came in with a tick on her back. Sid broke it in two--he was so anxious to be a hero and remove it! Kay and I went to the Imediate Care center at the clinic and a doctor removed the head that was still in there. The head of the tick. Then she was diagnosed with high blood pressure. We were just leaving the parking area when the doctor rushed out to stop Kay from driving off. We went back and the blood pressure was taken again and it was still high. So after counseling on how to handle the situation, we took off. When we arrived home I found some of the furniture in the basement had been loaded in the pickup that Sid had driven from the farm yesterday. I think maybe I will have High Blood Pressure before it is all over.

While Kay and I were at the IC center, Sid had a meeting with Ray from Red Hat. Sid paid him for the work done yesterday in installing the dishwasher. Now, right this minute, Kay and Sid are joining forces in the basement 'sorting', and who knows what. I can't bear to look.

Kay heard from Judi--She is still enroute to Colorado Springs. Love, Bopcha


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