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Dog show

We went to a dog show today, in fact we just got back. KC showed two dogs and won two red ribbons. Diana was chasing a moth this morning that was fluttering against the window. Was she ever surprised when ten or eleven more moths dropped from the upper part of the window frame. They are about the size of the blue butterfly that Kay and I saw in the meadow at Wren. KC brought out a vacuum cleaner to suck them in. I told KC I was going to notify the people who protect rare wildlife and tell them they were endangered and KC was killing them off without a thought!! It made no difference as a bunch of them dropped out of the other window and they were sucked up in the vacuum cleaner.

The dogs have so much space to run around in. I've been told it is two miles around the perimeter. Tomorrow we leave for home. We have to turn in our vehicle, I have to go through special clearance as I didn't bring ANY ID with me.

There is still organizing left to do in the kitchen at home. And the basement. Diana was really imprest. Love, Bopcha


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