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Ready for another renovation project

Hello everyone,

Hope the trip to Colorado went really well. It certainly seems like a really nice place to visit. I have never spent anytime in Colorado, but seeems like a wonderful place.

Well Sid and I have been back for one week. It is only one week back at work and I am already thinking that maybe it would be better to be renovating something rather than sitting in my office for endless hours. With everything going on at work, the thought of remodeing a room doesn't seem so bad. Bopcha, don't panic! I know you have had enough of home projects for a very long time. Well maybe I need to just stay home from work and do home projects here. We certainly don't have a shortage of work to be done right here in the house. You should have seen our garden when we came home. We have a little vegetable garden a block away. It has an array of weeds that are so healthily growing that one may mistaken the weeds for greens (the kind you can eat). Judy would be absolutely horrified if she saw our garden. We need to do some work on it.

But truly, in terms of coming back to work, I have returned to an unmanageable workload - with more position and salary cuts to come :-( My office is really humid and hot and because of the infamous cafe, I have pests I think in my office. I feel like a VIP with that office - what can I say. So I was thinking today, while I sat there staring at the piles of paper and e-mails in front of me, that I would rather me up on my feet doing some kind of physical work and probably be outside somewhere. I asked the Director of the Hospital if she could relocate me to a cottage somewhere by the mountainside or along an ocean front, and do my work from there. She didn't seem to think that was a viable idea, I

don't see why not.

Anyway, enough indulging about me. I hope everyone is doing well. I wonder how Kay and Judy are doing with the last remains of the project at Bopcha's house. I hope things are going smoothly, and hope you are not feeling like there is lots of work left over. I know that we ALL had the urge to rest indefinitely after such a hectic week. Ihope everyone had plenty of rest.

I hope you are all well.




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