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We had a spectacular weekend!

I can't believe how well everything turned out!

On Friday, KC flew in and hung out with Tory during the day and met Bill and I at the local pub for burgers and beer that evening.

On Saturday morning, we pitched our new tent (well, KC and Jessica mainly) in the backyard and got the rooms ready for guests. At noon, KC, Tory, Nikole, Jessica and I had our nails (fingers and toes) done. Then we went back to the house to get ready for a family barbque.

By Saturday evening we had been joined by Murray, Kay and Judi. We ate outside and enjoyed our fire pit. At about 1 a.m. Sunday morning, Bettye arrived.

Sunday we went to the graduation and were relieved to see that Noah's name was in the program and that he had arrived on time. The ceremony was nice and they moved it along at a fairly rapid pace. In any event, we had time to get lots of photos afterward and we made it to the restaurant in time.

We had 19 people for our celebratory meal!!



















Aunt Lou

The food was good and we passed around an essay Noah wrote in the fourth grade entitled:

"Noah, the interesting guy." He was appropriately humiliated.

Everybody is gone except for Bettye, Benita and the children. Aunt Lou is staying with a friend who lives near the airport. She leaves on Tuesday or Wednesday, I think.

Noah's car got broken into the night before graduation. They stole his GPS. Bill and Noah are getting the window repaired today. It took a lot of work to vacuum all the glass off of his seats. Bill has the week off, and Noah has no more classes, so they can run all the errands and entertain the children and the visitors.

I am back at work.




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