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Thanks and apologies

Hello everyone,

Many thanks for all your birthday wishes, and no need whatsoever for apologies. I personally think it is impossible to keep track of everyone's birthday. Just think Sid and I forgot George's birthday this year. My excuse for that one was that we were in Oregon (May 26). Now does that make any sense at all? I don't think that made for a very convincing reason. I figured as long as I don't forget Nina and Alex's birthday, I will still somewhat fit into my family's version of a "civilized" person. But seriously your kind words meant the world to me. You were more than complimentary and

I, likewise, think you are a very sweet and caring family.

Today, luckily we are off from work. When you are constantly on the move, it is so tempting to fall into a very lazy day. It is noon and Sid and I have done nothing but lounge around the house and entertain ourselves watching the new little kitten in our lives. Her name is "Luna." She is white with a gray tail and gray ears. We think she may end up being a smaller cat. She seems a little small even for her age. She has the cutest little face and it is impossible to get annoyed at her even when she is doing annoying things. I have allergies to cats in general. Not sure what will happen, but so far I've haven't had any terrible reactions. I really hope my allergies do not act up. If they do, I guess it will become a question of who can remain in the house, luna or me?

:-) :-)

I hope everyone is well. How is Noah doing? Hope he is recovering nicely. The photos from the graduation are so nice. Diana and Bill, your back yard looks amazing. You guys did a beautiful job with that. It looks like it is very comfortable to hang out back there.

I will write more later, since it is my day off, I am feeling sleepy. Normally I don't get sleepy at 1pm but I guess my body knows it's a rest day. Yippie.

Thanks again for being such a kind-hearted family.




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