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No Exercise for Me

Hello Everyone,

I am finally writing something on the blog. My job has taken over my life and I feel like I am just fighting for my survival. I am working like crazy, just to stay afloat. Doesn't anyone feel like hard work doesn't necessarily equate to rewards. Just think I was relieved to find out that I got a 0% salary increase, because it could have been worse. There was the threat that we may have to take a 10% cut (just at the Vet School - not all of Penn). Of course that threat is back on the table. We are living through some interesting times.

Well at a time when I could use a really awesome workout, I can NOT exercise. My heel is bothering me and apparently I have plantar fasciitis. Have any of you had the pleasure of this experience? I've had it for several weeks and I finally decided to just take a break from exercising. I faced reality and stopped living in denial that I have an injury. It is so difficult to be so inactive, especially when you sit in an office for endless hours. I think I will be able to go back to cycling (spinning) soon. Running is totally out of the question. That really hurts and I think I will do even more damage. I love running in the summer but I've completely given up for now.

My goodness that pie looks amazing. Cherries are among my favorite fruits. And a pie made with cherries is just heaven. Jessica is quite the chef. The pie not only looks super tasty but it is beautifully done.

Kay I am glad to hear that Bopcha was able to come to the rescue. Bopcha, it sounds like you saved the day for Kay. It is wonderful to just be a big baby sometimes isn't it? We all deserve a little chance to be "babied." I am trying to convince Sid that I don't mind being treated like a baby, but I am finding that I still have to do things for myself :-) :-)

As you probably all know by now, we went to see "Hurt Locker." The acting was impressive and it definitely kept you very ingrossed throughout the movie. There was a certain rawness about the movie that made it so real. The scenery was so desolate and stark. It was not sensationalized at all - which war movies often are. Sid and I really recommend it. It will be interesting to see what kind of reviews the movie generates.

The Vet School is continuing its severe economic challenges. It has been a rough six months, and as States become more impoverished, our situation becomes more trying. The Vet School, even though it is part of the private institution of Penn, we rely heavily on State funding. There is a projection that Pennsylvania will cut 24% from our budget. Gulp. That will border on tragic for us. Although this does not differ much from what many people are facing. We are not alone that is for sure.

I hope you are all enjoying the summer. The weather in Philly has been excellent. Low humidity and not scorching hot temps. It's been comfortable. Sid is happy about that.

I will try to write a little more often. It's always fun to write but it's even enjoyable to read your entries.

Take care everyone. Feel free to save me a piece of cherry pie. (I am kidding of course).

Love to all,



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