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Fitness Matters

Sandra, I feel terrible that I have to report that I rode my bike from the office home last night and it was significantly easier for me than it was a year ago! I guess those silly 5K runs I have been doing with Bev (an office mate) have really paid off. I was not looking forward to the ride because in the past it has turned my legs to jelly. Not this time! I won't pretend it was easy, but it was better.

I forgot to tell you that we bought a bike for Bopcha's house. The people next to Mrs. Hardie's house had a yard sale, and Kay dragged me down there. Wow! There was a nice Trek bike, barely used! We bought it and a lock. Kay and I tested it and with seat adjustment (super easy on this bike) it worked for both of us. Sandra, I hope your plantar f. (which I understand is supposed to hurt like the dickens) heals so that you can test the new bike. It is to be used by one and all.

Sandra, I have been in jobs where I had to crawl home and stay under the covers in the fetal position. There is nothing good about it. I hope you see your way clear to leave someday. This kind of pressure cannot be good for you. It is so refeshing to have a job I like. You need to find that job, too.

Sid, we are looking forward to your arrival.




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