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Nice Summer Weather

Hello Everyone,

Diana your summer activities sound like a lot of fun. It sounds like you have so many great place to go hiking. I don't feel like there are many options in this immediate area for nice hikes. Wow, I would have loved to hear about the dogs. And of course seeing the dogs would have been even better. I guess Labs are used a lot these days for working dogs aren't they? I am always so fascinated by working dogs and I certainly love watching them in action. The Phila police bring their dogs to the Vet School here for treatment. Hmmm, maybe the City should donate lots of money to us for our high quality care. Oh but of course, how could I forget the City of Phila has no money either. :-) :-)

Bopcha, it sounds like you are facing some really hot weather there in Corvallis. How do you like it? I think Oregon is having a much hotter summer than Philly. You writing about going to the doctor's office reminds me that Sid and I need to go for a check up. We decided we are so negligent about doing so but have been talking about how it is a good idea since we both have such good insurance coverage for now at least.

Now for the best part. Imagine this: George's mother owns a house at the New Jersey shore or should I say the beach. So Sid and George are at the beach house this weekend with George's cousin Rick who is a wonderful person and who Sid is very fond of. The three men are there all weekend and they have all the children with them. So Nina and Alex are there plus Rick has little twin girls (I think about 5 or 6 years old) who are adorable and really sweet. Four children and three tall men spending the weekend in this little beach house. Can you imagine the chaos. Isn't it funny? Oh and I should mention that Sid and Nina brought their guitars to the house. The purpose of this was to give the women (Rick's wife and my sister) a little break. I think they are enjoying it. Nina called me on Thursday night to tell me that she is so excited that Sid is going to be there. She just can't wait. She said she "feels explosive" isn't that funny? I know that Alex is always happy to have Sid around he just isn't as verbal. He is a "man of few words." But of course next to Nina we are all people of few words. The contrast between Nina and Alex in terms of the phone is striking. You can not get Alex to really talk on the phone, I think his maximum is five words. But Nina, well that's a different story - you can't get her OFF the phone. She is not even a teenager yet.

Wow a wedding in Seattle, that sounds really nice. I actually would like to come out for a week or so but I am weighed down right now with the work issue - since we are in the midst of layoffs etc....I am hesitant to leave at the moment but would like to work something out so that I can get a little break and come out West.

I hope you are all well and write back soon.




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