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NEI (Not Enuff Info)

Hey Dee - I understand cryptic, but's my xray; hiking has it's moments....that's all we get?

Sandra - I understand about work being consuming--and the threat of layoffs. My contract comes to an end in September, so for the fourth time in 2 years, I'm tossing my resume into the air, hoping someone snatches it. Meanwhile, I'm doing my infinitisimally (darn spell checker won't help me) tiny piece of the nation's business. Sid - all that time at the farm, how delicious, how fun! And that cherry pie of Jess's truly looked spectacular. Hugs to the twins and Nikole. What a lovely adventure--riding the light rail. Now back to work: cactus calling, KC's Snaps need posting, competition at the ranch today so I'm needed as a worker, and Monday's guests need fresh beds and clearn bathrooms. Oh--also Sandra, thank goodness for respecting your body's signals. Ignore them and you'll pay for a lot longer than just a summer's worth of rest!! A cute picture of Durango. I call it "INTENSITY." That's apt, don't you all think? Love KC

Durango keeps his eyes on the lure while waiting for his turn to chase.


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