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Our Kitty is Upside Down

Hello Everyone,

Sid has decided that our adorable kitten may like to hang upside down. He actually grabbed her tail and hung her upside down, thankfully only for a split second. He loves to play rough with her which I think she actually loves. Now her idea of playing is clawing and biting. I know she sounds terrible but she is actually a very sweet cat. She is on the timid side and she is super super cute. She puts up with Sid - imagine that. Just kidding of course.

Diana, how could you! You now also have an injury. KC is right. I guess you just can't be left alone :-) So how did you do that? I don't think you gave us all the gory details. I really hope it heals soon. I imagine it is feeling better by now. Are you icing it? I guess ice is the ultimate remedy for all injuries, although if something is broken, I'm not sure that is the remedy.

I am now starting to feel sad that I won't be coming to Oregon at least not for the time being, unless something changes. I did not plan very well this year. But I have to say that work is making it difficult to just take off for the West Coast. I should qualify that I am probably imposing that pressure on myself, because I think my bosses would grant me the time off, at least a few days. But I guess I am feeling nervous about waiting around to see what the State does - will it cut 24% to the Vet School? I think that decision will come down in August, don't know if I should be on vacation when that happens. But then again, what difference does it make where I am, right?

By the way, in our East Coast neurotic way, my family and I have been making sure that Sid has his Epipin Injection for bee stings when he comes to Oregon. Maybe it's us East Coasters (at least according to Sid it is) but we can't imagine Sid without his epipin. George called in a prescription even over Sid 's objections that he really doesn't need it. That started a whole debate Sid vs. the Parsons and I. Even Nina was trying to remind Sid that he, more than likely, will need the injection if he is stung by a bee. It wasn't easy convincing Sid, and actually I don't really know if we succeeded.

Bopcha, I was glad to hear that the house project was coming to a close. I did not even realize that poor Judy had been working on it up till now. I am sure it looks really nice. How are you adjusting to the new kitchen anyway? It sounds like you have enjoyed the dishwasher.

KC, by the way, I really admire you for being able to live through the pressures of changing jobs. You have to be a very strong person for that, which you obviously are. I sort of envy that kind of mobility.

This is definitely an attribute I really need to work on.

I was happy to hear about Teresa and I am sure Kay is overjoyed. Is she coming to the East Coast for that training? It sounds like it. I will close for now but hopefully can get some more time this week to write in a bit. For now, I should go check on our kitten "Luna" to make sure she is doesn't need to be rescued.

Hope you are all well and have a great week.




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