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Electrifying Experiences

The wedding for Elizabeth must have been fabulous. I neglected to get my gift into the mailbox, so I'm aggravated at myself. I would have loved to indulge in Judi's cooking too. Now I'll have to be satisfied with the blog entries--once Dee, Kay, or Judi have time to put them in. Hopefully some pictures too.

Just wanted to remind Sid, since he's obviously looking to employ Bop's Alligator on some tree limbs: watch out for power lines!!! When I was living in Omaha, a worker got electrocuted when he inadvertantly touched a wire with his ladder as he was prepping to paint the upper gables of my landlord's house. Also, more recently (1 month ago), a borzoi friend decided to cut some limbs down from around the house. The limb he was cutting touched a wire and his aluminum ladder. As he had one hand on the ladder, the current froze his hand around the ladder. Rey managed to push back with his free hand, jerking the frozen hand loose, but falling 20 feet to the ground. He was wearing heavy gloves and managed to escape the incident with a deep burn spot in his hand, scrambled nerves (jerky movement that's gradually subsiding) but no heart damage, broken vertebrae in his tail bone, and a fractured hip socket that's deeped inoperable. Poor guy. Be careful Sid!!!


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