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Corvallis Murder!!

CORVALLIS, Ore. -- A major crimes team is asking for the public's help after a 78-year-old woman was found dead in her Corvallis apartment.

Police said they found Yvonne Perry dead in her apartment on Janssen Street in Corvallis on Sunday. The apartment complex remained a crime scene Monday.

Corvallis police have not said how Perry died, but it appears she died a violent death. The person or people responsible for her death likely had blood on their clothing, shoes or skin after the murder, which occurred sometime between Saturday and Sunday afternoon.

"Nothing ever happens here except for the occasional break-in," said Phil Brenne, who lives in the neighborhood. "Here (and) murder -- the two words together kind of blows my mind."

Corvallis police and a Benton County major crimes team are still investigating. Anyone who noticed anything suspicious in the area is asked to call 541-766-6975.


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