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Is it mid-August already?!?!

KC, I loved the magazine cover photo. You are as talented as you are good looking!

Yeow!!!! Murder in Corvallis? What a wretched way to die. It is hard not to be in favor of capital punishment when you hear of such a horrible crime.

Yesterday I had a deposition and then a court appearance later in the day. The deposition ended early, so I got to court early and went into the courtroom to watch what was going on and to get a feel for the judge. It was a criminal case where the perpetrator was entering a plea to a reduced charge. The young man was brought into the room in cuffs, accompanied by two burly sheriffs, armed to the teeth. It broke my heart to see a young man who had headed himself in such a bad direction. He had dropped out of school after the 10th grade and was being charged with assault, possession of an illegal weapon (gun), domestic violence, and violating a no contact order. He will get 3 to 4 years in prison. His girlfriend wants to see him, but the prosecutor said he could not agree to that (she is the one who had a no contact order out on him). She is also clearly headed in the wrong direction. Sad, sad, sad.

The wedding was fun. The groom seems like a nice guy, and he certainly has a nice family. Some came from Mississippi (Bill and the step-Dad know someone in common), some from Delaware, and some from the Puget Sound area. Andre was a confirmed batchelor (he's 42) until he met Elizabeth.

It was fun watching Tory, Jessica and Tiffany together. They are so cute.

Judi's catfish dish was a HUGE hit. People kept coming back for more ... of course, all of the dishes were gobbled up with enthusiasm. We heard lots of compliments at our table, and the people didn't even know we were related to the cook (since she would NOT let us in her kitchen - a wise choice, I might add).

Bruce was the photographer, and a very enthusiastic one, at that! I got zero pictures, so I hope Bruce shares his.

Bill and I plan to leave for Corvallis on Friday at about 3 p.m. See you soon!




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