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Good Day at the Show

What an adventure Kay. Do you know I've never gone about chasing after whales. It sounds exciting. I'd think one would get sea sick. Also, it sounds as though Tiffany had a great party.

Dee - you and Sid sound wonderful, even over the telephone. Pretty remarkable.

I went to a show in northern Colorado this weekend. Yesterday, Nitro placed 3 of 3 hounds in open class and Jazz (Nitro's son) placed 1 of 1 in puppy class, but when he was matched with the winners of the other classes, he didn't place. Boo hoo. I went again today. This time, Nitro placed 1 of 3 in open and when matched against all the male winners, placed 2nd best male (yahoo!!) So that was nice. And then, Breezy, Nitro's daughter won her puppy class, then won over all the other female winners, then won over the best of the male winners, and got beaten only by a champion. She got the title "best opposite sex." So all in all a MUCH better day than yesterday. I wasn't handling the hounds--instead in was Melissa's friend Rebecca. Rebecca is here from Massachusetts and was the one who picked Nitro to be the mother of her Carmen's puppies. We got Jazz instead of a stud fee.

Here's Rebecca showing Nitro (red) and Breezy (mostly white and looks a LOT like her aunt Tornado.

Here is Nitro daughter Breezy, showing the judge how beautifully she moves.

Here's Nitro, standing perfectly for Rebecca as the judge approaches.


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