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Drama on the "Storm" front


Nice to have the blog back up. Nina called me yesterday - in the middle of the day and announced to me that poor little "storm" (the family dog) had been hit by a car. He is okay though. He was not badly injured. He escaped from the backyard as he became distracted with chasing a dog. He ran out into the middle of the street and a van hit him by his head and shoulder. I think the worst of it is just shoulder pain. He is most likely startled by the accident. Apparently though - he behaved like a good herding dog and just sat in the street for a few minutes and quickly went marching (or limping) back the front door. Nina explained to me that he is "going back to his pack." She thinks he could not wait to get back to his pack. I think the Parson's are a little nervous about Storm developing something serious over the next few days. But in general I think they are remaining calm since this afteroon Storm started chasing things again.

Wow, I can't believe I just wrote an entire paragraph about a dog. I always used to wonder how people managed to go on itirelessly about their pets. And now I have definitely become one of them. I love when people tell me their pet stories, and I do really like talking about Storm and our own little pet, the kitten.

I am exhausted. I think I better go to bed soon. Tomorrow is a long day. Sid and I are going to visit one of my colleagues who lives in the country. She wants us to go to her barn and see the horses, and then we will be having dinner with my colleague and family. It should be lots of fun.

I'll write much more later.




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