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What excitement in Colorado - boy in balloon, boy not in balloon ...

I told JB about her Aunt KC's flu warning. She went to work anyway. She did not have a fever yesterday, so we are hoping she did not/does not have it.

Mother, I forgot to tell you earlier, but the watermelon from the Gleaners was really good! And so was the teeny one from your garden! We sauted some of the yellow summer squash, and I put the rest in a salad yesterday. Yummmm! The tomatoes are ripening on the window sill. Every day a few more are missing, so I know Jess is taking them for her lunch as they ripen.

Saturday night is a fund raising auction for the MI boys basketball team. Tory is coming! She is such a good sport. It cost her fifty personal bucks to attend - and she was willing to do it. What a nice child you raised, KC. Lucky for Murray and Nikole their schedule prevents such mandatory appearances.

I still have a slight bump in my cheek and a slight bruise beneath it. Still, it is so much better than before ...

I am so busy it isn't even funny. Thank goodness the Beavers have the week off. They depend on my support, and I am stretched way too thin this weekend to have given them what they typically demand of me.

I'm so popular!




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