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Friday @ the Gleaners

We have soooo many green peppers, yellow and red, also, long skinny ones and short fat ones. Also, big huge turnips, and young turnips with the leaves on. They tell me turnip green are really special. Also, potatoes from the OSU potato farms, and apples, big red ones and pale yellow ones, and little red ones. Lets see if I can remember what else!

Also, lots of new help. It seems some of the help is sick, or something. They say, ask Virginia where she wants you to put those melons, those two artichokes, that handful of onions, those kiwis, the egg plants, some are skinny and some fat. I keep thinking of Tom and those two dogs going to New Jersey, and KC on her way south with other dogs. I think the two youngest dogs. And did Kazan finallly make the plunge to create a new family of pups. Too much to keep track of.

One of our tried and true workers was sick today, (I always speculate it is the flu), but I think he had some , or one) tooth pulled. It isn't too cold today. I need to go and get some soap for the dishes in the sink, I know I have the dishwasher, but some tag ends like plastic containers I just wash in a mild soap.

By for now. LOve, Bopcha


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