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The $900 Excuse


Yes indeed the car requires us spending $900 to repair so I can get it back this weekend. Although I am awfully afraid that by the time I go pick it up, it is going to be more than $1000. They always manage to slip in some additional costs. What timing though. It is awfully suspicious isn't it that my car broke down the day before the races in NJ??? It is really ridiculous and I actually was prepared to go, I had even printed out the directions from mapquest.

The troubles started yesterday when I was driving out to the large animal facilities for meetings. It is located about 70 miles away from the city. I was driving on I-95 which is a fast-moving interstate highway. My engine light and thermostat light went on and the car was overheating. It was also slowing down to about 20 miles an hour while all the cars around me are going 70 MPH. It was indeed scary. As soon as I realized that I was never going to make it to my destination, I headed back toward the city, but neverthless I had to drive over an ominous bridge where again cars are moving very fast, and there was no shoulder to pull over to and drive slowly. I just figured I would put my flashing lights on and go slow. I just prayed that even though it was pouring rain and visibility was diminished behind all the fogging windows, no one behind me would slam into me. I tried to think really hard about what a smarter person would do in this case, and I just couldn't think of any alternative. There is no way I could pull over and wait for triple A - there was no space to do that. Finally, after slow perservance I very painfully and slowly got to my destination (the repair garage). I always feel like I am being ripped off when I go there, but my choice was limited. I was so relieved to get out of the car and just walk back over to my office.

I really enjoyed walking in the freezing rain to my office, because it was so much better than being stuck in my dying car. But in the end, all this is to say that we could not help Tom out. It's not a good feeling because I know he was probably counting on us.

Sorry Tom and KC, we owe you big time. However, we are planning on going out there tomorrow. Of course, I am still waiting for the auto repair shop to call me back.

Oh the excitement. Sounds like everyone is busy and active. Diana, absolutely the Beavers need to take off when you are not available. They really do need you!! Too bad the mediation did not get the result you wanted. Does mediation work very often? I was really into mediation some years back, I thought it was the answer to all conflict, but I don't know how much it works in legal cases, you would be a better judge of that.

Bopcha, all those vegetables just sound so wonderful. We do not readily have good artichokes out here on the East Coast. I absolutely love artichokes because they are so versatile. You can do a million things with them (not that I really know how to do so many things with them, but I know there are lots of dishes made with them). One day I was watching a TV program that I often follow which is called "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmerman." He travels all over the world reporting on all kinds of strange foods - which sort of serves as a cultural education through the foods that are eaten in a given place. One day he was reporting from Sicily Italy and he covered the "Annual Artichoke Festival." I have never seen artichokes prepared in so many different ways. It was amazing. They even had artichoke ice cream. Anyway, whenever there is a mention of artichokes, I think of that festival and how much fun it would be to attend.

I guess lastly I should add a cute comment/question that litte Alex (7 year old nephew) brought up yesterday. He

said to my sister, "Mommy, what time was it when the clock was invented?" I was telling Bopcha that earlier this morning. That comment is almost as interesting as when he said to his Dad one day after kindergarten "Daddy, I don't think our teacher is too smart because every day she asks us what day it is." That's a classic. I will remember that into old age.

:-) :-)

Much love to all and again so sorry to KC and Tom. I am crossing my fingers that my car will be back up and running tomorrow.



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