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Making Me Laugh

I'll tell you -- between Mercer Island owls and folks that can still look like they are working when having a heart attack--the folks here in the office think I've gone off the deep end. Jeez. What funny stories. Dee--I think you'd be safe if you were walking in the park with Kiev or Challenger...

Kay - Tom and I have lots of confidence in commercial-grade kibble (we use Diamond brand), but if you are feeding raw and need calcium, I recommend plain yogurt or cottage cheese--or raw chicken thighs. The critical thing is to ensure the correct balance between phosphate and calcium. If the balance is out of whack, it's bad. If you look on the back of a multi-vitamin bottle you can see what the proper ratio is. I can't remember off the top of my head. Or you can just watch for symptoms of too much of one or the other.....

It's pricy but--antler velvet is what we are feeding our older hounds or those that have joint injuries. It's fantastic stuff and really seems to make a difference in their comfort level and mobility. Ambassador at 12 years old can still hop up on the couch, using his single hind leg. He went through a period when he couldn't do that...joints too stiff and sore. Our pain management vet prescribed the antler velvet (available over the internet, no 'script needed) and after a few weeks, Ambassador started hoping up on the couch again. Our vet takes it himself to help with his aching bones. Now that I think about it, maybe I should too!!!

Love the outfit that Jessica's store is selling -- we have lots of the red plaid flannel shirts -- some of them are even quilted!!


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