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How Exciting

Hello everyone,

After what we all read about the various events, who needs to be in a city to get a sense of excitement. It sounds like you have quite a bit of it right there in the "tranquil" tucked away places of the northwest. But seriously, they are some wild stories. I can not believe the situation with the owls. I never actually thought that being attacked by some kind of bird or any sort of wildlife was a remote possibility. I always have just a touch of fear that it could happen as I happily trail along some wonderfully secluded place.

Although I have to admit, I never thought owls would be the ones attacking. It is funny and at the same time, I hope no one is actually hurt by it.

I also love the outfit as modeled by Jessica's store. It seems that here in Philadelphia, that sort of style has caught on. The high boots with the leggings are huge right now. In fact girls are wearing the boots like crazy and it is not even cold yet. I think personally I will pass on the leggings stiyle, definitely seems like something that should be reserved for the young. I can't imagine wearing those boots in 60-70 degree temperautres. I guess I just don't get the whole fashion thing. Comfort I suppose is not supposed to be a major concern, right? :-) :-)

I will also have to explore all these trails that you are learning about Kay. Next time I am in Oregon, I will certianly "investigate" interesting trails with Bopcha's knowledge of the place.

Sort of wish i was on break now enjoying the many wonderful trails out there. Work is hectic and I was actually out sick today. Although I spent most of the day doing work on my laptop - wasn't the most restful sick day.

I will write more later in the week.

Hope everyone is well.




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