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Go Beavs!

Today I am wearing my new black and orange reading glasses, my Beaver necklace Jess brought back from New Orleans (really gaudy), black shirt, black jeans, black boots and a black and white sweater. Hope that my karma helps the Beavs beat Cal!

Jessica looked at the kitten photos and, like me, was grateful they are too far away for us to steal one or two. Talk about adorable photos!!!!

It is really rainy and windy here. Yesterday a tree fell and killed a 40 year old who was walking his dog in a park. I have death fantasies about a limb falling and bonking me on the head, so every time I hear about it actually happening I get paranoid.

Hope everyone is well. Kay, when are you going to write and tell everyone about finding the photo of Bopcha's grade school class in the antique store! You and Judith are amazing! If I ever get lost, I want you two to come looking for me. Between you two, the jets KC will deploy, and Mother's willow branch, I won't stay lost for long!

Noah is thinking about exploring Consurmer Psychology as a career. I know U of Penn has a masters program as does (choke) U of O.




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