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Diana's New Camera

Well, my fancy new basketball camera is remarkably easy to use. Of course I have only taken photos of the cats and Bill in the kitchen and me in the dining room reflected off the mirrors! I am anxious to see if it will allow me to take action pictures in a poorly lit gym. I put the setting on action and the shutter clicks twice but I am not sure if it has actually taken two pictures or not. Further, I am not sure whether I can increase the shutter speed or allow more light in etc. etc. I am counting on sister KC to help me with the nuances.

We lost power last night, but it happened at 9:45 pm and it was back on by morning, so there was no harm done.

Jessica and I will leave for Corvallis Saturday morning, and Noah and Bill will leave Saturday evening, after Noah gets off work (5 ish). Bill and Jess will head back at about noon or one on Sunday, and Jess and I will stay till the party's over. We will be staying in a hotel.

I am so happy Sid survived his lip surgery!




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