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Hunt Scene

Hi Everybody - I've enjoyed reading all the entries from Sanda, Kay (what a find at the antique store--WOW!!!), Diana, the article about Gavin first day as head coach, Sid's lip (Bop helped me understand what was going on there--Sid kept the story pretty quiet as far as I'm concerned). It was delightful fun to tease Diana about consulting everyone but the person who actually earns money with a camera. Speaking of the profession--here's a photo a friend, Yvonne McGehee, took of me, out on a hunt with my trusty Nikon strapped on my neck and my hounds at my side. If I look weary, it's because I was!!

Well shoot (not to make a bad pun). I can't figure out how to load the picture. The blog is fighting back. You just have to use your imaginations.

Dee - need to know how you plan to clone Jess so she can be with you and traveling back to Seattle with her dad. Mysteries abound in this family. See you all soon.


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