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Why, Diana, why?

Why did I think I could take basketball pictures? Why did I think it could be done with a minimal time committment?

I took 500 photos last night at Parent's Night (the four Mercer Island teams scrimmaged against their own teammates) and spent an hour this morning deleting 350 of them! The other 150 ranged from "OK if you are this kid's mom" to "what sport are these blurry people playing?"

Truthfully, it was fun. I have a lot to learn about what my limitations are (automatic focus does not take into consideration the fact that what the player in the lower left hand corner is doing is the most important!). Anyway, I should improve over time, and I should be able to render satisfactory results for purposes of the online parent newsletter.

Noah got a job!!!! I knew that suit would do the trick! He heard back from the company yesterday and goes in to fill out the paperwork today. It may or may not be a keeper type of job, but he is excited and he will learn something, even if it is awful. The company is JAG, Inc. and, of course, he will begin in sales - but not cold calls or door to door. He will be located in a Fry's Electronics Store or a Home Depot store, "marketing" Direct TV, which is one of JAG's customers. Anyway, that's what I think is happening. They promised management training etc. and will accommodate his need to finish his last month of school.

Jessica and Bill are going to bake pies today, as they both have the day off. Tomorrow we will take the pies to the O'Bara's house and hang out with the neighbors. Very easy for me -- I am at work! Hooray!

Happy TGiving to you all!




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