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Here We Are -- 2010 Already

Oh my goodness, I can scarcely believe it's 2010. I remember when the clock turned from 1999 to 2000 - doesn't seem that long ago but I guess it is. Tom and I were talking to my fellow workers at a dinner out last night--I mentioned we met in 1990 and one of the kids there blurted out that it was before he was even born -- since the kid was a 19 year old WalMart associate, pulling down a responsible job, it sort of put things in perspective I guess. I still think of myself as a 40 year old -- a great self image except its actually my own children that are close to that magic age, not me.

OK Sid - I'll reduce the pictures before I load them and then repeat the process once they are loaded and see if that makes a difference. Privately, I think the blog just doesn't want me to publish pictures but I'll give it another chance.

One of Kazan's babies (Matador) from his first litter made with Svora's Scandalous won the 2009's number 1 AKC lure coursing borzoi as measured by dogs defeated over the entire year. (I'll remind you that it was one of Kazan's babies (Cuda) from his second litter make with Rosehill GL Serigraph that won the 2009 AKC National Lure Coursing Championships for borzoi this year--and Cuda's brother won it in 2008 if you recall. Kazan can make some wonderful babies, no question!!!

We are getting our ducks in a row (i.e., health testing, teeth cleaning, fitness and weight management, etc) for Tornado and Aramis to make puppies (or pupsicles as they are called when dealing with frozen semen). Fingers crossed for puppies arriving on/about 6 June 2010. A nice auspicious year I think.

Tom and I are sending our love and best wishes to all for a fabulous, healthy 2010.


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