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Happy 2010

Hello Everyone,

Sid and I wish everyone a really happy new year. Above all good health is what we wish for everyone. I was sort of hoping that 2010 was going to be the year when I don't have to work in a real job, and I could work at doing something more enjoyable but so far 2010 is not proving to be the year yet, hmmm.....what now. Does this mean I have to go back to work on Monday.

As you may know the University gives us the week between Christmas and New Year's off. What a bonus. It was so nice to have that time off and boy do we feel like we needed it. But then again, who couldn't use a break like that. Everyone deserves some time away. It was a little scary this morning when I logged into my e-mail and I saw a bunch of work-related messages and things that I will have to take care of before January 4 (that is Monday you know). Well I have one day - not much time to get myself together. I had every intention of doing some of the work today, but then I went to the gym with a friend and managed to dwindle away four hours. I finally came home at 6pm and I could start then, right? :-) :-)

All of you sound really good and ready for the new year. I have my occassional fears but for the most part, I plan to make the very best of it. As I go into the new year, I appreciate having each of you as a part of my life, no matter how major or minor. You are such a great group of individuals, all special in your own way.

Oh KC by the way, do you mean you are not in your 40's? All this time I thought you were ;-) Well you are certainly youthful enough to claim you are not a day past 40. Oh and Diana, I noticed one of your resolutions is to make life misearble for Sid. I just wanted to help you out there and let you know that Sid is going back to work on Monday (after a week off). We are pretty well covered in the misery department. Living in Philly is also helping a lot in meeting that goal. Sid thinks that no one has anything over him in terms of making life miserable - he doesn't believe you can even compete with his unrelenting strategies for "50 years"

But Dee don't get me wrong I am sure you can contribute to this if you would like, there could not possibly be a shortage of strategies in this particular area.

Kay, by the way we have been to the "block....." restuarant. It is actually kind of nice. I hope you all enjoyed. It is nice to be inside and warm with your little dogs (as you mention). We are also really enjoying our little white kitties. They are so cute. I never thought I would love cats as much as I love these two little critters. I am very grateful for both of them. They bring much joy to our lives., even if they are spoiled little bratty kittens. Actually they are well behaved thus far.

Sid and I cooked up a storm yesterday in order to have my Mom and Grandma over. Of course we also had my sister and family over. The food was delicious but I have to say it is challenging to cook for an Italian family that cooks really well and KNOWS they cook really well - they never let you forget it, if you know what I mean. Sid ended up making this delicious "pate" by mistake and it was delicious. Only problem with pate is that you ended up eating tons of bread since it goes so well with bread.

Anyway, my very best with lots of love and happy wishes.



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