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Achievements, Jobs

My, my, my Kay -- while being a connoisseur of sugar ants is quite the achievement, I think you can claim fame through your extended family. What a pleasure and honor to look down your family tree and see so much in terms of achievement and potential--just reading your note about the newest generation coming up was breathtaking. You have top honors in that department I think (not counting Bop of course--since she gets credit for all yours, and ours!!)

Meanwhile, Sandra -- I think they missed one of the best jobs and that's being in the US military--it doesn't pay as well as some and can be somewhat dangerous, but it carries both panache (while in the service anyway) and prestige that leaves one feeling good, even years after one's service is done. Also, I think they should have mentioned being a coach--it's a job for which there are huge numbers of volunteers working so those that actually earn money as well surely would rank the job as being at the tippy top of a list (Gavin may disagree, but I'd wager not). I think your job in human resources would rank as one of the toughest but would not rank as one of the worst. Ironically, defense contractors (like me) would end up among the most despised if there was such a list. Unfortunately, I expect lawyers would be on the same list with the defense contractors (sorry Dee and Bill). Bankers (sorry Tory) would probably join the defense contractors and lawyers too--along with dog breeders. Of course, I expect Nikole's job would be ranked very high--either as an entrepreneur or caring for pets--on the "best loved" list--opposite of the most despised list.I wonder what Murray thinks about his job being ranked at the top of the best jobs?

Sigh. Sandra-- you always get my attention when you post someone's list.

Don't forget to watch Tory's blog when she goes on her month long tour--departing o/about 19 Jan I think. Thanks to brother Murray, she now has a blog. Her blog is at:

Lots of love to all on this delightful, absolutely spectacular Colorado day.


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