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Photo Action

Hello everyone,

Wow Diana, that is some great action in that photo. When I was taking the photo class, back in the good old days when I could do something other than work, one of the things I wanted to learn a lot about was taking action photos. Being able to capture action in sports is really awesome, isn't it. KC, you have done your fair share of action images, and done it well I might add.

Yes the sisters are a hilarious bunch. Your entries were very funny, especially Kays'. Kay, you may not think you have found your "claim to fame" but I think you have. Your "storytelling" of what happens to you on, on what one might think is just a regular day, is so well done and really funny. I always find it so charming when one can really laugh at themselve and makes others laugh with them. So keep sharing your life experiences, because they are far from dull.

My world continues to be a profound study of what happens to people's state of mind when they either loose their job or others around them loose their jobs. We had more layoffs last week. But we are still standing - more determined than ever to keep plugging along.

Wow can you believe the earthquake in Haiti? That is a tremendous event. Sorry to bring it up but I was just looking at some footage of it, and it certainly makes you want to just be grateful for today. After seeing what those people are enduring, I feel like I have absolutely no complaints :-)

Anyway, I hope you are all well and enjoying the winter. I actually like the cold weather and I am enjoying it. By the way, I can wait to read up on Tory's blog. I want to hear all about her ventures through Europe. I love hearing about one's travels. Perhaps

Take care everyone,

With love,



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