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Tory in Paris

Hey Friends and Family!

I have arrived safe and sound in the city of lights, which today is more the city of the freezing drizzle :-( Unfortunately I can't sort out what I am doing wrong that prevents me from signing into my blog... what is simple at home and in English is mysterious and indecipherable in French. insult to injury, the keys on the French keyboard are not the traditional qwerty my fingers are so trained in. Sigh. Mom, if you can post my note to Bopchas blog until I get it sorted, I would be so greatful.

Despite the 'technical difficulties', I am reveling in the Parisian air. I'm staying in a neighborhood not far from the Eifel Tower (though I can't actually see it), very near the Moulin Rouge. The area is charming, principally due to the abundance of bakeries, bistros, and chocolate shops. May I confess, at lunch I consumed the entire contents of my bread basket (a treasure of fresh rolls) well before my entree arrived.

After my midday feast, I wandered the streets, delightfully lost, working off all my energy... then rewarded myself with a chocolate bonbon when I found myself again :-)

Tommorow I hope to visit the Louvre pyramid and Notre Dame, soak in some culture, maybe have an espresso on the Left Bank... Though, who am I kidding-- all I can really think about is what to eat next!

I bid you adieu,

Love T


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