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Hello friends and family!

I have overcome my technical problems -- nothing like a password reset to make the world turn right again :-)

This morning I was an early bird, thanks to a touch of jetlag. I plotted my course to the Eifel Tour over a cappicuno and baguette roll and walked boldly onto the still dark streets of Paris. Unfortunately I was walking in the complete wrong direction... but I snapped some charming photos of the city waking up before I retraced my steps to the direction of the tower.

I arrived just as it opened and what a view! It was pretty quiet, not many tourists yet, but we few snapped pics companionably with eachothers cameras and watched the sky get light. I felt very intrepid, and walked down from the second level (shaking in my boots the whole way).

My next stop was the Rodin Museum which I had heard was having a special exhibit of Rodin and Matisse. They were contemporaries-- and apparently didn't think much of eachother. But side by side, I would give my nod to Matisse :-)

After the museum I wandered the streets in the direction of the river until I was too cold and hungry to continue. I stopped for lunch near the Seine. French onion soup (they call it onion soup here) was so hot and cheesy I nearly cried. And I think I embarassed my waiter with my profusive compliments to the chef for my grilled cheese sandwhich.

I will seek out a chocolate shop to fortify myself for the long trek back to the hotel.

Love you all and thank you so much for your notes!



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