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Notes from Tory: Henry the Navigator Sun, 31 Jan 2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Henry the Navigator

Hey everyone!

My train to Lisbon went off without a hitch, though I was seduced yesterday afternoon by the comfy white couch in the tiny lobby of my hotel and never made it to the Prado. Criminal, I know, but I was getting a little worn out.

But something in the air of Lisbon has restored me. It´s hard to describe, but from the moment I got off the train I have felt like I belonged. The streets are cobblestoned in beautiful mosaics, the architecture a kaleidoscope of colors and styles. And within moments of dropping my pack off at my little blue hotel, I was on the doubledecker tourist bus headed straight for the Henry the Navigator monument.

It was one of the things I have been waiting to see... something about exploring the big wide unknown that thrills my toes. I got great pics. Nearby I wandered through the Belem Tower, sort of a stone fortress built half in the middle ages and half a century or so ago. Next, I went inside the cloisters of an old monestary, and caught the cathedral just as Sunday mass was ending. Vasco da Gama was buried there -- he's the explorer who blazed the trade route to India which put Portugal on the map!

Outside the Navigator was a huge compass mosaic built into the square, with a map of the globe. I stood over the spot where Seattle is, and waved hello to all of you, and missed you very much! But then I stood over the Portugal spot and thought of that yummy empanada I had for lunch.... :-)

Love T


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