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Yesterday's News from Tory

Monday, February 1, 2010

A few necessarios...

Ola everyone!

You all know I'm not what you would call an adventurous eater, right? I mean, I've toured exceptional culinary destinations only to venture forward with mushroom pizza at every stop. But last night, I was feeling uncharacteristically bold, and I took my hotel receptionist's recommendation for an authentic meal: Portugese stew. I love stew, and so long as it was't seafood (which I hate) I figured it would be sort of adventurous.

I went to the place recommended (the opposite direction of the tourist square). It had maybe half a dozen tables, and soccer on the TV. I had no idea how to even order this dish, but there was a guy eating it a few tables over, so I pointed to his bowl and said 'yes'. (This is really embarassing, in retrospect). Anyway, it seemed to work: after a bit, the waiter brought a huge bowl of savory stew and a huge hunk of bread. I tried a bite. YUMMY!! It was thick and rich and had lots of beans and carrots and cabbage, and bits of meat.... um, yeah, all different kinds of meat. And the closer I looked, more like bits of tripe! Ewww! Gag me! Okay, so I wimped out and from that part of the pot on, I only ate the bits that were positively identifable as non-carnivore. But it was still delicious :-)

This morning I visited an elevator that was designed by a student of Eifel. It didn't really go anywhere but up to a platform with a great view, but I thought it was cool.

This afternoon, I have to take care of a few necessarios: laundry is at the top of the list. Actually, it's a short list. I MUST do laundry or my blue jeans will be able to walk without me. And I don't even want to talk about my socks.

Tomorrow I have an early flight to Stockholm, so I'm off to drink in as much of this sunshine and warmth as I can-- while my skivies are tumbling :-)

Love you, T


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