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Notes from Tory: Sweden

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Brrr! Redux

Hey everyone! I´m not sure what happened to my post from yesterday (most likely user error -- my user error), so pardon if I repeat.

I am writing from Stockholm today, and Sweden is really cool! Yesterday, I flew out of Lisbon at o-dark-early. It was so sad to say goodbye to Portugal. I met wonderful people, locals and tourists alike, and I am already planning to return....

But I was so excited to be on my way to Scandanavia! Back in Lisbon, I put on my layers and my snowboots so I would be prepared. My long underwear were itching the whole 4 hour flight. But I was greatful for extra clothes when I arrived: Stockholm is gorgeous, vibrant, and maybe just a tad bit chilly (understatement!). The streets are snowy and when the wind blows I imagine it is straight off the north pole. All the cars are Volvos and Saabs. The art is incredible and everything is exceptionally expensive except for vodka :-)

My hotel was really swanky -- Bopcha would have appreciated the set of dumbells and workout video for guests use in every room! The kind reception staff assisted me in finding the terminal station so I could buy my ferry tickets for tonight´s departure and I saved money finding a gem of a Mexican takeout place not far from my hotel for dinner :-)

This afternoon, I am all bundled up and having fun exploring the old town, an island just south of the Central Station. It´s full of interesting cafes and shops and every street is narrow and picturesque. The Nobel museum is somewhere on this island and I am determined to locate it-- even if I have to walk into every stylish dress shop to find it :-)

Tonight I am off to Riga!


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