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Yummy Pizza

Hello All,

Sid is happily watching the Super Bowl game while I munch on the delicious pizza that he made. He actually followed a recipe which called for pineapple. I never thought I would find a pizza with pineapple as tasty as it was. I am not usually fond of salty and sweet. The crust he made is excellent. I wanted to try and stay away from carbs today since I have been overdoing it on carbs in the last couple of days. But I can't be rude and not taste his pizza. I thought I would be able to just eat one small tiny slice but again that would be rude. Eating a lot of it will make Sid feel much better :-)

I am traveling/living viacariously through Tory. She really excels at describing her travels, what a pleasure. She should write a travel journal and publish it. Why not? People write books aboute everything - interesting or not. At least that would be interesting.

We got so much snow, I just came back from shoveling my friend's house. My friend from Italy moved to England with his family. He formerly worked at Penn as a veterinarian, but was offered a really good job in England and he moved. His house is still for sale (after one year). It is not working out well for him, but it's great for us because we get to use his garage and driveway to park our car. I always shovel his walk etc... so the house does not give away that there is no one around. Our car was luckily parked in the garage through this snow storm which is perfect, I just needed to shovel the driveway but no wiping off snow of the car is necessary.

I actually enjoy shoveling, it's great to be outside and moving around. I am sure you must be thinking this is very strange. I can probably enjoy it because I don't have to shovel all the time.

Since it is usualy a relatively novel task, I am still able to see the fun in it. Hope everyone enjoyed the numerous photos of our cats. I can't believe how much space on the blog we dedicated to the cats. But of course when you have cats that are that cute, how can you resist. That of course is my unbiased opinion. I mean that comments about our cats are purely statement of facts. ;-)

I hear that we are supposed to get another snow storm this week, but that is okay because I am not quite tired of shoveling yet. The biggest challenge in shoveling all this snow is that you really don't know where to put the snow you are trying to move out of the way.

Anyway, I love hearing about Tory's adventures and I love hearing about everyone else stories.

Kay, your updates continue to be very entertaining. KC, looks like we now join you in the breakdown of our cleaning machines. We tried to use the robot today, but it look like it is out of commission. Too bad. Now I guess I have to actually get out the mop and cleaning solution and mop up myself. It's just not fair

Hope you all have a wonderful week.

Love you all



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